Wednesday, April 8, 2009

A Life That Doesn't Suck, Part One

We had the first meeting of "A Life That Doesn't Suck: Financial Crisis Edition" last night. Andrew Simonet of Headlong Dance Theater is running the workshop, and spoke eloquently about how important it is - crucial, in fact, for both ourselves and our culture - to create a sustainable creative life.

He spoke about initiating a shift from being a career-driven artist to a misson-driven one; about creating a community in which the success of other artists is also a success for you/me; and about the importance of strategic planning, including setting a large, even improbable goal and then making incremental, manageable steps towards that goal.

The second half of the workshop involved us taking little steps towards our own artist statements, working to scuplt a paragraph that speaks in the voice of our work, is an accurate reflection of our values and vision, and is still accessible and interesting to others. We made a list of seven words that describe our work, then a list of fourteen words, then a paragraph. Here's my list of fourteen (I'm dealing with my dance work here, though there's a lot of overlap with my collage work):



Trena Montgomery said...

Hey there!
Heard your name from a mutual friend (Keefe Keeley) who has told me an assortment of good things about you and your art. I just recently fell in love with paper and book arts and I'm super interested in learning even more about sustainable art, etc. He suggested I get in contact with you since you obviously are an expert in the area and I just so happen to be spending a month in the Philadelphia area right now. I definitely should've gotten in contact with you earlier instead of just dropping in during my short time here but things have been pretty hectic from moving back to the states after spending 4 months in the Dominican Republic --so I'm really hoping I'm not catching you at a bad time. I'm here in the Philadelphia area to do a variety of things but one in particular being paper making and book arts. I'm shadowing one paper maker in the area as of now but would love to touch base with whoever I can and just explore it all! If you have any time and wouldn't mind showing some of the things you've done and how you do it, I would really love to meet up with you. Let me know if you have any time in between now and June 7. Thanks and hope to hear from you soon!

Trena Montgomery

Trena Montgomery said...

contact information might help...