Thursday, February 5, 2009

Another heart-slayer of a book

I found this one at the Bryn Mawr Bookstore, a used bookstore in Cambridge, MA where I used to work.

Paintings: Forces of Nature II, 1994-1998
Marlene Tseng Yu
Las Vegas Art Museum (exhibition book)

Marlene's paintings are extraordinary. She works mainly with acrylics, often on a very large scale, and creates works of improbable, strange beauty. They are mysterious blooms of color textured and sculpted to present something cosmic, oceanic, microscopic.... These are grandiose words, I know, but I promise you they're apt. I have never seen paintings so organic and so resonant.

This is her website: You can see a few examples of her work in photographs there. The book does them better justice. I hope to be able to see some in person one day.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Are you coming to the show at the chelsea art museum in NYC? Opening reception for the show is on 10/2.