It poured all morning, but as the sky cleared the trees were left coated in a thick sheath of ice. The tiny branches look so fragile, and somehow also highlighted, more precise. Here are a few photographs.
I probably won't be posting again until after the holidays; it's time to relax and spend some time with my family.
My name is Hannah. I make paper art under the name Bell Buoy Press.
When I was young, I made so many origami figures that my mother had to stash them in shopping bags in the basement. These days, many of my designs showcase beautiful origami papers, but they're no longer limited to those cute little boxes.
In addition to one-of-a-kind cards that can be enjoyed both for correspondence and as small pieces of art, I create books, stand-alone collages, and unusual gift wrappings. My designs emphasize texture and color, and have an eye for the inherent beauty of paper.
I take commissions and enjoy making art that suits an individual; feel free to contact me with ideas or requests.
I'm also a dancer and choreographer with Green Chair Dance Group, a contemporary dance-theater company in Philadelphia, PA. I've worked in publishing and love books and the written word.
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